Alum will turn white hair black in no time

Alum is a common item found in every home. Alum is used in household chores and health problems. Skin and hair related problems can also be removed with the help of alum. Like hair loss, hair loss or graying of hair. Alum can be used to cure these hair related problems. Using alum also gives shine to the hair, strengthens the hair and stops the growth of gray hair.

Alum will turn white hair black in no time

You can use alum to blacken your hair easily. Alum is found in many minerals and can be easily purchased from stores as it is used for various purposes. It makes a beautiful hair coloring agent and is also very affordable.

Increase hair growth

If you want to increase hair growth, alum recipes can come in handy. Using alum increases hair growth. People whose hair length is not growing should use alum. For that, take some coconut oil in a bowl and mix alum powder in it. Now apply this oil to your hair at night before going to bed and leave it overnight. Shampoo your hair the next morning. Regular use of this oil can make hair long.

To black white hair

If the hair has started graying at a young age, applying alum on the scalp can turn the hair black. Alum and Kalonji oil should be used to darken gray hair. It improves the blood circulation and white hair turns black as well as slows down the growth of white hair. If you want to use alum for gray hair, make alum powder and mix it with kalonji oil and apply it well on your hair. Massage for 10 to 15 minutes and then leave it for two hours and wash your hair.

Turmeric and honey

To darken hair, take a bowl. Prepare a mixture by adding 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Now leave this mixture on the hair roots for 15 to 20 minutes. After that wash the hair with water. Applying this mixture will darken the hair and also make it smooth and silky.

Turmeric and Aloe Vera

Hair can also be blackened with the help of turmeric and aloe vera. To use it, prepare a mixture by mixing 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 cup of water and 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel in a bowl. Now fill this mixture in a spray bottle. Then apply this mixture on hair and roots for 1 hour. After that wash the hair with water. Apart from darkening the hair, this spray also makes the hair shiny.

Turmeric and coconut oil

Turmeric and coconut oil can also be used to darken hair. To use it, take 3 to 4 tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl. After heating the oil, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric and prepare the mixture. Now massage the hair with this mixture. Leave this mixture on the hair for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair. This mixture not only darkens hair but also increases hair growth.

Disclaimer: The information and home remedies provided here are based on general information. Medical advice should be sought before adopting it. Wbrain does not confirm it.

Before adopting any health tips, consult a doctor. Because no one knows better than your doctor what is appropriate or how appropriate for your body

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Before adopting any health tips, consult a doctor. Because no one knows better than your doctor what is appropriate or how appropriate for your body

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