Why old shoes hang in truck You must have seen trucks or lorries while driving on the roads. People find their colourful look quite attractive. Due to which the eyes immediately stop there. But there is another special and interesting thing related to these vehicles, which hardly anyone pays attention to.
Have you seen torn shoes hanging at the back of a truck? In many trucks, drivers hang torn shoes at the back. You immediately associate it with superstition, but what will you say if we tell you that this is not just superstition, there is a big reason behind it?
Yes, there is not only superstition but also science behind hanging these torn shoes. Actually this mystery is from years ago, when no technology was developed to measure goods, especially trucks.
At that time, as now, vehicles needed to be protected from being overloaded, as this increased the risk of an accident or a burst tire. Shoes were hung from the back to prevent this.
Then the goods were loaded onto the truck. If the goods were overloaded, the truck would automatically tilt downward. If the shoe touched the ground, the truck driver knew the truck was tilted too low, which meant it was overloaded and had too much material.
In this way, as soon as the shoe was slightly above the ground, the truck was considered full. This is how overloaded trucks were caught. Now the situation has changed a lot.
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Gradually it became a kind of custom. Drivers started believing that wearing torn shoes will prevent truck accidents and it is auspicious. This is the reason why torn shoes are considered a superstition but the reality is something else.
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